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Route Profitability Tools
Route Profitability Tool Freighter
We are proud to announce and to offer our
is now available and better than ever before. The tool is designed to provide airlines with a complete overview of ALL cost items influencing route profitability and compare these to the revenue potential of an individual route operated by a freighter aircraft. And it can do this even over a two-sector flight with the resulting revenue split-up about all three commercial sectors. We believe our Route Profitability Tool - Freighter is one of the best calculation tools to assess the true potential of a planned freighter route and a perfect simulation tool to fine-tune an existing route by simulating changes in costs, revenues, load factors, etc.. The tool was originally developed by INAVIA for a European all-cargo airline, but will fit any airline in any country, large or small, scheduled or charter. The Route Profitability Tool - Freighter complements our Route Profitability Tool - Passenger for passenger operations (including belly cargo), which is also among the best planning and simulation tools available anywhere in the industry. For further information, please download the brochure via one of the download buttons below. Should you agree with us that our tool will add value to your route development and will help to improve your route profitability and thus your bottom line, please contact us by email to This Emailaddress is protected against Spambots, you must activate Javascript, in order to to see it to schedule a full presentation.